Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Grades

So far, here's where I stand. These are the results of my partial examinations.
Compréhension orale: 17
Expression a l'orale: 16
Compréhension écrite: 13
Expression écrite: 14,5
These are marks out of 20, but not to be confused with the American grading system (where 15 out of 20 is 75%). In France it goes like this:
18-20: basically impossible (Wikipedia says, "Congratulations")
16-17: very good (tres bien: TB)
14-15: good (bien: B)
12-13: satisfactory (assez bien: AB)
10-11: pass (passable)
0-9: fail (insuffisant)

I basically need all AB's to get all the credits from this year. I know guys, the comprehension ecrite is looking a little low - but don't worry people!!! It was only because I read the text before reading the questions and therefore didn't have enough time to answer them all before running out of time. Je vais mieux gerer mon temps la prochaine fois.


Lo.Mc said...

Seriously, a different grading system?!?! Percentage isn't good enough? Haha. Thank god for Wikipedia!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats Sarah! Those are good marks and even if they weren't, the trip is more about the experience anyway. Xox, JB