Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sociologie de la famille et de l'ecole

Was kind of laughing to myself in my sociology class because our prof was lecturing on "l'échec scolaire" (student failure). Here's why I was chuckled:

The 2hr exam for this class (which is an essay - best part: he gives two questions to choose from, one from the endless list of readings that is apparently expected of students, the other from class. So basically I have to hope the dice roll in my favour and that I understand the question the day of the exam). This is a real-deal third year french university course, so you can kind of understand my trepidation (while considering my dilemma today I came to the conclusion that being in a third year French university course -for which you have no background, of course!- is like developping a learning disorder overnight.

I know, I know, you're wondering ("Why did she say she was laughing again..?") and yes, I must be slightly insane to find this whole situation funny, but could you imagine if the essay question turned out to be something about why students fail..??? What a depressing way to go out, explaining the very reason for your own demise... ("non-maitrise de la langue ou l'enfant est scolarisé" - actually from my notes, along with physical and mental handicaps and others).

It'll be fine though, I'm not too worried (read = can still sleep at night). Some of the other exams seem like they're going to be a joke, so I'm pretty relieved. Our history teacher said he would give us a photo (his example, Kennedy pointing at a map of Cuba) and we would have to answer 4 questions based on that photo.
THAT'S THE EXAM. Total dream considering I have 9 of these stupid things to write in two weeks, and I'll still be going to some of my classes while writing half of them..!!!

Regardless, I told the team that I wouldn't be able to play this weekend because I'd be studying. My coach was starting to bust my chops but I just smiled at him guilelessly and told him that if I failed I wouldn't be allowed to stay in France. For the first time he had nothing to say. It's funny to see a French version of R (rugby coach from two summers ago). He doesn't have quite as colourful a vocabulary (or maybe I don't pick up on all of it being that its in French and all that) as Robbie-one-ball, though.

The buying of Christmas presents is almost all wrapped up (no pun int- no I'm lying, definitely pun intended), though I have yet to remember to go to the Christmas markets with my CAMERA. Must MUST take pictures before I go.


Unknown said...


Lo.Mc said...

Best of luck with all your exams!!! <3