Soooo after writing my little blog on the changing marriage scene in France, I got to thinking. I propose (haha) for those of you who follow the blog fairly regularly, and who are interested of course,

pop me a question (haha last subject was marriage, get it?) on French life. I can then ask around, observe, and post a blog on what I've discovered.
For example: How does food differ in France than in Canada? and then I would probably go on a rant and talk about portions, the fucking crudités, why french people are thin and so on.

I absolutely DON'T want people just asking me questions for the sake of questions. If you're curious about a certain aspect of french culture, shoot. It you want to placate me, just go out and buy me a chocolate bar, don't make me go all Sherlock-Holmesy on the french and sit and type at my computer for no reason.
You can ask your question as a comment on this blog, or email it to me at I will disclose the question but not who asked it when I treat the subject.
It kind of works out that I have a lot of time on my hands when I get to do creative stuff like this.
Haha, I'll start thinking of a good question. :) JMB
I prefer marriage. Because it's easy for some to run from a relationship when things get tough down the road. But with marriage you work to make things come through.
So long as you're right for eachother of course. I plan on getting married once and I'll be damned if I'm marrying the wrong person! Hahaha.
If I come up with a good question I will definintely pass it on to you.
Hmm, made it sound like that was the only reason I choose marriage. Hahaha.
If you love someone, I want my life with that someone, fully. I want to be someone's wife, to have their name... Heck, I have no real attachment to McLaren, I'm not close with my dad's side. And it's not a special name or anything, haha.
There's alot of reasons for marriage, but I'm not writing a novel in your notes, hahaha!
Hahaha definitely good reasons Laur, I agree with you really, it just seems to me like people are more apt to try and make things work if they're stuck with one another... though I guess the downside of that is that many people make it work and stay together when they should really break up. But heck, that's life I guess...
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