The 2hr exam for this class (which is an essay - best part: he gives two questions to choose from, one from the endless list of readings that is apparently expected of students, the other from class. So basically I have to hope the dice roll in my favour and that I understand the question the day of the exam). This is a real-deal third year french university course, so you can kind of understand my trepidation (while considering my dilemma today I came to the conclusion that being in a third year French university course -for which you have no background, of course!- is like developping a learning disorder overnight.
I know, I know, you're wondering ("Why did she say she was laughing again..?") and yes, I must be slightly insane to find this whole situation funny, but could you imagine if the essay question turned out to be something about why students fail..??? What a depressing way to go out, explaining the very reason for your own demise... ("non-maitrise de la langue ou l'enfant est scolarisé" - actually from my notes, along with physical and mental handicaps and others).
It'll be fine though, I'm not too worried (read = can still sleep at night). Some of the other exams seem like they're going to be a joke, so I'm pretty relieved. Our history teacher said he would give us a photo (his example, Kennedy pointing at a map of Cuba) and we would have to answer 4 questions based on that photo.
THAT'S THE EXAM. Total dream considering I have 9 of these stupid things to write in two weeks, and I'll still be going to some of my classes while writing half of them..!!!

Regardless, I told the team that I wouldn't be able to play this weekend because I'd be studying. My coach was starting to bust my chops but I just smiled at him guilelessly and told him that if I failed I wouldn't be allowed to stay in France. For the first time he had nothing to say. It's funny to see a French version of R (rugby coach from two summers ago). He doesn't have quite as colourful a vocabulary (or maybe I don't pick up on all of it being that its in French and all that) as Robbie-one-ball, though.

The buying of Christmas presents is almost all wrapped up (no pun int- no I'm lying, definitely pun intended), though I have yet to remember to go to the Christmas markets with my CAMERA. Must MUST take pictures before I go.
Best of luck with all your exams!!! <3
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