Friday, January 23, 2009

#3. No Plastic Bottles.

I am defiant. I refuse to purchase plastic bottles, whether they be for water, juice or milk (sounds weird, but milk does come in plastic bottles here). Unfortunately I can't cut out all plastic per se, since most toiletries and condiments come in plastic. However I can cut my usage of drinking bottles right out - from now on I will only be allowed to buy things that come in glass bottles or cartons.

Here's a kind of depressing reality (I promise to blog something a little more uplifting soon):

"Sometimes known as the horse latitudes, it is a Texas-sized span of ocean between Hawaii and California rarely plied by sailors because of a perennial, slowly rotating high-pressure vortex of hot equatorial air that inhales wind and never gives it back. Beneath it, the water describes lazy, clockwise whorls toward a depression at the center.
Its correct name is the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, though Moore soon learned that oceanographers had another label for it: the Great Pacific Garbage Patch...For a week, Moore and his crew found themselves crossing a sea the size of a small continent, covered with floating refuse. It was not unlike an Arctic vessel pushing through chunks of brash ice, except what was bobbing around them was a fright of cups, bottle caps, tangles of fish netting and monofilament

line, bits of polystyrene packaging, six-pack (Image taken from this site: rings, spent balloons, filmy scraps of sandwich wrap, and limp plastic bags that defied counting....
By 2005, Moore was referring to the gyrating Pacific dump as 10 million square miles - nearly the size of Africa. It wasn't the only one: the planet has six other major tropical ocean gyres, all of them swirling with ugly debris." [emphasis added]
(Weisman, Alan. The World Without Us. Toronto: Harper Perennial, 2007)

Iiiiin other words, buy a Sigg bottle if you like having a water bottle with you wherever you go.
Exhibit A:


Unknown said...

Thats a pretty sigg bottle, must have been a smart and handsome fella that gave that to you :)

Anonymous said...

but ... you can't always and everywhere use Sigg. And in super markets is not easy to find something in glass bottles - water, juice etc. But ... here we can return them - they have a deposit on them. Only a bit for a clean concience.

Ute / Axel

Rana said...
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Rana said...

aaahhh interesting!
i've always been aware of the addiction to plastic but i've only recently starting acting on it myself...
here is a website to match yours:

May said...

It's been two months and I've only bought one plastic bottle!!!