Here's a copy of a message I sent some friends when they asked for news about France:
I've gotten lost more times than I can count (and been saved by a sweet little old lady almost as many times), everyone wears scarves here (so I do too to fit in, makes me feel really bohemian, hahah because they're not like wool scarves their the lighter material kind, you know what I mean...).
I got food poisoned last week at a chinese restaurant, and 2 gruelings nights and one doctor's visit later I had a medical bill of 70,00 euros (around $100) and six different boxes of medication....that had to be taken three times a day....and often two pills at each interval...But anyway I'm fine now, though i tell ya that first day I felt perma-high, bad news is I was on six different meds so I can't tell you which ones makes the world all warm and fuzzy ;)
FINALLY have internet in my room (have been shelling out 2 euros a pop everyday to be able to check my email).
Laundry at home was a DREAM compared to here. Its 4 euros to do a wash and dry load (around $6) but the machines are half the size of back home - and we're the lucky ones. People in other residences don't have machines, and have to go to laundromats, where it's 4,50 JUST to wash and then one euro for every ten minutes of dryer (basically 10 euros for a load of laundry, almost 15 canadian). Needless to say alot of us are handwashing things.
I bought a poncho because it was so cold in our residence rooms (for a week they refused to turn on the heat), and I tried to hand wash it and the stupid fucking thing leaked yellow colouring all over the goddamn place and then I tried to hang dry it and it dripped nasty yellow water all over my floor and so I finally ended up hanging it outside the window/putting it in the dryer/lying it on the radiator (it was a combined effort). Anyway I feel like a dork when I wear it but I paid frigging 25 euros for it (miisssstake) so I'm gonna wear it goddammit!!!
Had my first class today and it was easy as pie but choosing classes is going to be a bit of a rat's nest. There's all this "ohh, choose one two hour course or two one hour courses, but they can't be the same as these courses, one of which HAS to be two hours, and at a different school, and the other only one hour..." Anyway I think I navigated it fairly well... It doesn't help that the courses we need to choose are just posted on a bulletin board where everyone crowds around because they need to write all the particulars for each class down (hellooo internet? or even kick it old school and hand out photocopies...).
Hahahaha anyway there's a little taste of the frustrations of France.
The good things:
Fresh bread and pain au chocolat at the local bakery on Saturday mornings.
Listening to the Cathedrale tolling for mass on Sundays (15 minutes).
Having a cell phone, and texting like a madman.
Feeling like I play dress up every morning ("how do I make this look more french?")
Walking everywhere (also a bad thing, depending on the day/weather)
3 euro tarte flambee during happy hour at the "Brasseur"
2,90 bottles of Chardonnay