Saturday, September 13, 2008



Everything was going fine on the 6th: I had made it to the 'Gare Central' in Strasbourg for my early morning train, I found the right platform, got on the right car, sat in the designated seat. (and was mildly disgusted by the fat German guy who sat across the aisle from me, who proceeded to fall asleep and drool all over himself during the ride...).

When I got to Karlsruhe, however, for my 'connexion', I had to buy my ticket for the second half of the trip to Hannover, and started to panic when I found myself outside the train station, and unable to read any of the signs - my train was leaving in half an hour.

By the time I managed to get my bearings (and find my way back into the station, which was harder than it sounds) it was already 10h45 (my train was supposed to arrive at 10h51). I was practically pissing myself in line to buy the ticket - while an elderly man with no teeth smiled up at me and tried to crack some jokes in English. At exactly 10h51 I managed to purchase my ticket, and booked it to the platform, neatly catching my train, haHA!

When I arrived at the station in Hannover, I spotted Ute right away, hahaah she was standing on the platform waving a little Canadian flag, while Axel stood down the platform a ways, searching the crowd. I had been a little nervous about seeing them again after so many years had passed, but it wasn't awkward at all.

Post to be continued......

1 comment:

Josh said...

Very glad you didn't get lost/stuck in Germany, although it would make for a great story or a decent anecdote for your biography. You putzing around Germany trying to find Axel and Ute..
Love the pictures! JB