Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Rites of Passage...and library adventures.

I used a blow dryer for the first time today (on purpose, not just to get that last bit of hair dry because it's winter or something) in like six (?), seven (?) years?? I feel like a bit of a poof head, but VERY grown up, bahahaha. It's like up until this moment I was just a kid wearing high heels that were way too big for me, but man, if I have to blow dry my hair then I MUST be a grown up now....
Does that make any sense???

Went to the university library today. It was friggin crazy. You can't just walk around and look at books like a normal library, if you want to look at the literature section you do it through a computer catalogue (and that's AFTER getting a library card, they barely let you into the building without it). Then you reserve a book and then pick it up 45 mins later at a different counter.I took out The Painted Veil by W. Somerset Maugham and The Good Earth by Pearl Buck (they didn't have Imperial Woman, grrr). Fortunately for my literary education there were no romance novels that I could find on catalogue...
The books themselves are something strange as well, they're paper bound. At first I was like, dammnit these must be like from the 60's, and then I read the publication date and they date back to the 1930's!!!! Now I'm nervous I'm going to break something really old and important (they let you keep them for like a month too eh?!). I feel like an idiot, I thought Pearl Buck was a more recent author.
I'm excited to read them but I think I'm going to have to carry them around with me like eggs if I want to go to any cafes or parks to read....wrap it up in a scarf or something. God they're in abysmal quality. The French would probably blame me for the cover coming off too, even though the stupid thing predates World War II (well, good for it, but come on now).

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