Sunday, September 28, 2008

Moving Machines

I witnessed the most incredible thing on Friday while on my way to the bank (for the third time and still no bank card, *sigh*). Two trucks were pulled up on the side walk, and coming out of one of the trucks was this big arm, like the kind you see electricians use. Except this one had a platform on the end of it, and was being raised to the top floor of an apartment building, where movers were yelling at each other from below and above on the balcony.

There were also police pulled up and yelling at the guy that looked in charge, maybe they didn't have the paperwork to be doing the move (because really, if something fell off that platform, someone would get iced, you probably have to tape off the whole area). In any case there was alot of yelling in general, and I just stood there staring while a man walked by and his dog peed on the wall next to us.

This photo was the closest thing I could find on the net to show you this weird process of moving people out of their apartments (probably because of the narrow stairs?)

Ohhh the French, everything mustly be slightly more complicated...

1 comment:

Lo.Mc said...

That is hilarious, yet very odd! How different things are!