Don't get me wrong, when they actually have breasts in them they look great, and even on a hangar they look good, but when they're all waterlogged, formless and floating around in my sink they just look completely absurd! (Handwashing was also a huge mistake because those babies soak up more water than a hung over student on a Sunday and you feel like you're ruining them if you try to wring them out...)
Anyway on a different note here is a picture of what my hair looks like now since my camera has run out of batteries and I haven't bothered to replace them. This was in a friend's room at the Gallia and we managed to pack like... twenty people in here. As you can see I am also classing it up North American style by drinking my wine straight from the bottle (screw cups, they just get dirty and break all the time...). I'd like to think that I gave these Germans/Russians/Slovaks/English/French students a positive example of what kind of people are to be found "on the other side of the pond" (classy and dainty bitches that's what).

Crazy Canucks...We win wars.
i just laughed so hard and HAD to tell spencer about this blog. of course he didn't get it but i am on the saame page as you.
this picture of you is fucking great. beautiful! and fabulous!
Not sure what to say about the bras but you're looking good.
And elect idiots apparently. The canucks I mean, though I guess I'm just as bad for not voting (sorry if you guys are conserv...)
Thanks for posting homies!!!
xoxox biz!
Great! Always do what ever you wish if you can compare it with other things.
But, take care of you !!!
We really wish to have you here healthy and happy for a long weekend (or longer) late winter ... and see Berlin.
Ahahaha, that's the classy way to be. Straight from the bottle! <3
I love, love, love your hair!
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