***By the way I totally did not take this picture, its from an abercrombie & fitch thing (all I did was google "shower locker rooms" okay??!). I just threw this in to get a rise out of Josh. Anyway I know they're yummy but I definately did not witness this, and I don't think they're rugby players anyway. Don't worry Josh, my locker room experience was purely of the female kind. Bahahah I'm so mean. Sorry, love. ***
Then after what seemed like foreeeeever of fucking touch we split up backs and forwards and got down to the dirty shit on the scrum machine, taking the ball into contact, and 4 foot fight (basically two teams fight each other tooth and nail for the ball in a square as big as someone's living room... a North American living room that is, because a French one would just be a never ending pile up).
All the girls were super nice, my playing level fit well with the team, and apparently the winters here are mild enough that the season runs into May (I'm dubious about this "mildness" business). Complications have arisen because I'm Canadian and registered with the Canadian Rugby Union (meaning it would cost like 1,500 euros to transfer me to the French Union), so we are attempting to fix me up with the Italian Union because then they can legitimately claim that I've never played before. Anyyywayy it's a long story, but I am hopeful.
At the end of practice I walked into the change room and girls were just standing around completely naked. This had been kind of unnexpected since I had thought that they would do their showering shit and then wrap them goods up in a towel, being the awkward North American that I am. I fixed my gaze on my cleats (on rereading this I realize at first glance this looks like the word "teats", but if you make a double take, you will discover that it is in fact the word "cleats") but was soon pulled into the conversation, and one of the girls was just standing there, completely butt naked in front of me, brushing her hair, and telling me a joke. I'm still mortified to think what would have happened if I had glanced down instead of fixing my eyes on her face with desperate determination.

P.S: There were definately no little cubicle walls in this shower room, it was the guns-blazing-all-the-way-because-I'm-damn-comfortable-with-my-body-BIATCH kind (and it had blue tiles, not white).
I even worked up the courage to go wash off my legs in the shower even though there were like 4 girls showering at the same time in there. To tell the truth after that initial shock I think I'm over it, I think I'll even bring my towel next time and a change of clothes - haHA! ... ooh good lord. I've never been naked in a room full of people before... (North Americans are stupid, why would you teach your kids to be embarassed about nudity around the same sex when we all have the same body parts anyway??? Mom-and-Dad-this-is-no-reflection-on-your-upbringing-of-me-more-of-a-critique-of-North-American-culture-in general).
Anyway PROPS to all of you who have been following the new "comments" rule!!! I loooves it.
On a rugby note, the 2nd rowing here is WACK, they want the left side lock to not only bind in on the left prop, but instead of binding to the lock beside them they have them bind onto the hooker?!!? I was like noooooo why are you ruining such a good thing...? (and by good thing I mean its hard enough to keep the front row happy as it is you frenchies, why are you making this more difficult?!?!?) .....
....But I'm sure it'll be fine.
Anyways I'm still covered in mud and such so I should probably shower (privately! yes!!!).
Also, glad I joined this team because guess where they're playing this weekend??? PARIS. For practically free I am going to see half of France (I won't get to walk around and take pictures mind you, but I can still say that I tasted my own blood mixed with mud in Dijon, or that I pinched some girl reaaaaal hard in Nice....WORTH it!!!).
Later gaters, I love France.
I just read your blogs, and it sounds like you're having a great time! I'm really excited for you! Take care of yourself.
Wazzat mean if you are part of Italian Union you can claim you never played Rugby?...Is that a French conspiracy to spread nefarious rumours about Italians' ability to play the game? Non è bene.
ohh haha you are so funny. Glad you had fun darlin! Love you, Joshyew
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